Antique Typewriter Machine

Page Getz is an author, teacher, former journalist and ​activist from Kansas and California, where she reported ​for the Los Angeles Times and Pacifica Radio.

Many of her stories, essays and poems have appeared in ​literary journals and her unpublished novel, “After the ​Revolution We’ll All Wear Tiaras,” was a finalist for the ​Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction.

She lives with her family and many dogs in Vancouver, ​and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the ​University of British Columbia. Once called, “Anne of ​Green Gables on Acid,” she is not on acid, but she does ​love a good gable. She’s still recovering from the ​wayward youth and pathological idealism that inspires ​her work.

Her novel, “A Town with Half the Lights On,” is slated for ​release by Sourcebooks, Spring 2025.


An idealistic reporter trying to ​escape addiction volunteers at ​a tree-hugging community ​radio station in North ​Hollywood, convinced she can ​stop the 2003 invasion of Iraq, ​as her own brother’s army ​battalion packs for Baghdad.



An unorthodox family is ​forced to attend post-cult ​therapy among Kansas ​polygamists when they leave ​nine wives and nine husbands ​at their California commune ​on New Years Eve 1979.

Children s Books

The Story Store

Rainbow for Sale

The LEavening of Bernie the bagel

Coming Soon


After the Revolution We'll All Wear Tiaras

Jetta Edison is an obsessive-compulsive Buddhist stripper from Kansas who follows her idealism into the L.A. anti-war movement and ends up sharing a bunk bed in a commune full of flag-burning, tofu-eating communists and their dogs. Jetta’s descent into dissent becomes both her salvation and her destruction.

Goodnight Kansas

The marriage of Disco Kennedy and Cyrus ​Waylon is a sugary, reckless thing. It is a ​deep fried love, mystical, like funnel cake. ​The union seems as doomed as Goodnight, ​Kansas, a Jesus-drunk town in the grip of a ​drought or maybe the End of Days, depending ​on what side of town you’re on. That’s where ​Disco was born and where her bad taste and ​indiscretions transcends dysfunction to ​become music. Country music.



WE INVENTED CRAZY is a feature ​comedy and biography of the 1990s ​at a moment when half the zeitgeist ​is rehab-bound and the other half is ​doing the Macarena. When a ​closeted high school teacher is ​outed and fired, three idealistic riot ​grrrls sharing a jail cell are inspired ​to publish "The Rag," a feminist zine ​to take down patriarchy. But it’s ​1990-something in Kansas and ​everyone they know is vaguely ​suicidal, vaguely gay and un-vaguely ​strung out on speed.

Acid Graphic Elements Bursting Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Rounded Outlined Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Rounded Outlined Sparkle

Neem Karoli Baba

Roller Coaster Serif